Visa Consultancy

Different Types Of Visas To Go Abroad According To The Category

IELTS has become an essential part of life these days. People become crazy about going abroad. People applied for different visas to go abroad. There are different visas for different categories, such as study visas for students, work visas for workers, tourist visas or visitor visas for tourists and visitors and business visas for business class. IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. This exam is conducted every Saturday or sometimes on working days. Ielts exam is done on two different days. One day only, speaking is conducted, and the rest of the modules are on different days. IELTS has four modules: Speaking, reading, writing and listening. For a study visa, this exam is needed. There are some other exams like PTE, TOFEL, GRE and GMAT to go abroad. 

International English Language Testing System(IELTS)

The IELTS was basically conducted and developed by the British Council. IDP is the business partner of the British Council. Due to the pandemic, covid-19 British Council sold its business to the IDP. Ielts has four modules and is conducted on two different days. The Visa consultants from Canada, the UK, New Zealand, America and Australia trust IELTS the most. Most Indian Students take IELTS. 

Four sections of the IELTS 

There are four modules in IELTS: reading, listening, writing and speaking. Each module has its own 9 bands, and each module has its importance.

  1. Reading: This module calculates your reading and understanding ability in English. It has 40 questions and three paragraphs and different types of questions like fill-ups and matching the heading. Multiple choice questions, information finding, headings etc., each question carries 1 mark. Imaginative skill and vocabulary is basic to solving the reading module. You have to complete it in 60 minutes.
  2. Listening: In this module, your command of English is calculated. The ability is how much you can recognize. There are 4 sections in this module, and each section has 40 questions. In this module, a headset is given to you, and you should place it and a recording if 40 seconds behind, but if you miss any question, the recording does not get repeated, and you get 10 minutes extra for answer transferring.
  3. Writing: The writing module has two tasks, 1 and 2. In Task 1, maps, process, pie charts, line graphs, tables, and bar graphs, and you have 20 minutes to complete it within 150 words. Task 2 should be completed in 40 minutes in 250 words, and it has different types, such as advantage, disadvantage, agree, disagree etc. Writing modules check your writing skills.
  4. Speaking: this module is based on checking your communication ability in the English language, and this test is completed in three rounds. Introduction, cue card round, and follow-ups round.

12 pass students mostly take this exam. They prefer to go abroad for their further studies. Crack IELTS is basic to apply for a student visa.

What is the student visa?

The student visa is also known as a study visa. It is a document given by another nation to students. This document is a legal document that allows the student to study in another nation. 

How can you apply for a study visa?

Cracking the IELTS is the basic key to applying for a study visa. After cracking, you need to go to the immigration consultant to shortlist the colleges and universities of your choice. Select your college and start your application process. Several immigration consultants gave fake offer letters and other details. The Immigration Consultants in ludhiana are genuine and trustworthy.  

Benefits of living abroad 

There are numerous benefits of living in another nation;


  • Development of power solving skill that makes a person strong 
  • Interact with new people from a different region, which build your confidence 
  • Get new opportunities to do much better in life
  • Learn the skill of budget management
  • Become independent
  • Explore oyster cultures.
  • Learn new languages 
  • Better career perspective 

Drawbacks of living abroad

Everything has its advantages and its disadvantages. Lining in another nation is not only beneficial. There are a few drawbacks to living abroad. Loneliness, homesickness, face difficulties in managing everything, language, culture shock and difficulty finding a job

Nowadays, parents prefer to send their children to another nation. They know the future of their child if he stays in India. IELTS has become the most preferable exam taken by students to go abroad. There are many IELTS institutes in Ludhiana, but Nexgeneration education is the best.


Why Students Prefer Ielts To Go Abroad For Their Higher Education Instead Of Doing Study In Their Native Countries

IELTS basically stands for International English Language Testing System. It is an exam given by those students who want to go abroad for their higher studies, and it is an international exam. An Australian Company named the International Development Program(IDP) conducts this exam, and it is a language ability test. There are four modules in this test, and there are two types of exams. The marks are described in bands, and there are 9 bands in this exam. Cracking criteria are based on profile to profile, and the best IELTS institute in ludhiana is Nexgeneration education. 

Modules of IELTS

There are four modules in IELTS: reading, listening, writing and speaking. Each module has its own 9 bands, and each module has its importance.

  1. Reading: This module calculates your reading and understanding ability. It has 40 questions and three paragraphs and different types of questions like fill-ups and matching the heading. Multiple choice questions, information finding, headings etc., each question carries 1 mark. Imaginative skill and vocabulary is basic to solving the reading module. You have to complete it in 60 minutes.
  2. Listening: In this module, your command of English by the speakers is calculated, and there are 4 sections in this module, and each section has 40 questions. In this module, a headset is given to you, and you should place it and a recording if 40 seconds behind, but if you miss any question, the recording does not get repeated, and you get 10 minutes extra for answer transferring.
  3. Writing: The writing module has two tasks, 1 and 2. In Task 1, maps, process, pie charts, line graphs, tables, and bar graphs, and you have 20 minutes to complete it within 150 words. Task 2 should be completed in 40 minutes in 250 words, and it has different types, such as advantage, disadvantage, agree, disagree etc.
  4. Speaking: this module is based on checking your speaking ability in the English language, and this test is completed in three rounds. Introduction, cue card round, and follow-ups round.

Types of IELTS

IELTS is of two types: academics and general. Academic IELTS is for those who want to go abroad for study, and general is for those who want to go for work. Visa consultants also have to give this exam to be a consultant. They have to score 9 bands for being a consultant. 

Why people want to go aboard 

People want to go abroad because the quality of everything is better and the lifestyle of foreigners is much more beautiful. Moreover, the pay scale of work is quite high there, which attracts workers, and students can easily find part-time jobs during their studies to arrange their fees for the next semester.

Benefits of living abroad 

There are numerous benefits of living in another nation;

  • Development of power solving skill that makes a person strong 
  • Interact with new people from a different region, which build your confidence 
  • Get new opportunities to do much better in life
  • Learn the skill of budget management
  • Become independent
  • Explore oyster cultures.
  • Learn new languages 
  • Better career perspective 

IELTS has become preferable in today’s life. Every third child wants to go abroad for their studies. After cracking IELTS, students visit different immigration to find the best immigration consultants  for their further process. Nexgeneration Education is known for being the best Immigration consultants in ludhiana.


Ace Your TOEFL Exam Day with These Simple Tips!

Why-To-Choose-The-Best-Immigration-Consultant-For-Your-Visa-ApplicationTOEFL is often known as the Test of English as a Foreign Language. This exam is important for non-native English speakers attempting to enroll in English-speaking colleges or who want to learn English. Students and aspiring immigrants often seek guidance from Immigration consultants in Ludhiana to ace their language proficiency test. When you prepare for this exam, you must be fully prepared for success. Here are simple tips that help to make the chances for your success.

This test is a computer-based test in which you do not bring a pencil or other things. This test helps to improve your English language. So that you can easily get admission to English-speaking colleges and universities, they divided this test into four sections: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. This test format is similar to the IELTS and PTE exams. If you want to learn the English language, then you can enroll in the IELTS Institute in Ludhiana. These institutes properly guide you and help to improve your ability to understand English.

TOEFL exam day tips

Arrive early
When you know the exam date and center, you arrive at the exam center at least 30 minutes before starting exam time so that you will have enough time to settle in, relax and get ready for the test.

Required document
Before going to the exam center, you can make sure of the certificate you bring which you need to enter. If you do not bring a valid identification certificate, then exam officers are not permitted to enter the exam room. Documents like ID cards, passports

Dress comfortable
On the exam day, you wear a comfortable dress so that during the exam, you do not feel uncomfortable. It helps to concrete your exam.

Healthy breakfast
On the day you eat healthy food. It helps to give you energy. You can focus on the exam. If you eat heavy food, then you feel tired.

Stay hydrated
You bring a water bottle to the exam center. During the breaks, you can take sips. It helps make you refreshed and hydrated because dehydration affects your concentration.

Use the restroom
You can restart before the exam begins. So that during the exam, you do not get disturbed.

Understand text format
Before the exam starts, you can read the instructions carefully and understand the text format. If you doubt any instruction, you can ask exam officers.

Manage your time
Time management is essential when you take any exam. You can wear the watch so that you know how much you spend on each section. This test is timed.

Stay calm
On the test, if you feel nervous, it is a normal feeling. You take a deep breath. It helps to relax and calm. Remind yourself that you are prepared for this day.

Focus on each section
You focus on each section that you do. For example, if you do something wrong, then you do not think in the previous section what is coming next.

Listening section tips
On the listening test, you listen carefully and take notes. If you give full attention to every detail, then you answer confidently.

Speaking section tips
During the speaking test, you can speak clearly. Before speaking, you organize your thoughts.

Writing section tips
Before writing, you plan your essays which you want to write. You can use clean and concise language that is easily understood and also check your mistakes.

Reading section tips
During the reading question, firstly, you read the question after you thoroughly read the paragraph so that you know what kind of information you want. And also highlight key points in the text.

If you are looking to enroll in an English-speaking country for studies and you have a valid visa document, then you meet some of the best Visa Consultants at Nexgeneration Education.